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2023年9月13日 星期三

农历七月廿九癸卯年辛酉月甲戌日福神方位:北喜神方位:东北财神方位:东北狗日冲生肖龙不利的方位:北幸运数字:2,3吉时:丙寅03:00-04:59  戊辰07:00-08:59  己巳09:00-10:59  壬申15:00-16:59癸酉17:00-18:59乙亥21:00-22:59今日可穿粉色、绿色、紫色系服饰来增强运势!自创文章:王铭汐老师摄影师:Alex Shuper#trendyfengshi  #serenewongms #王铭汐老师 #Mingxilaoshi


Wednesday, September  13 2023 

Ranking of of the 12 Energetic Zodiac Signs 1.Rabbit: Cheerful and find wealth flowing relatively easily. With strong support from benefactors and your prudent investment strategy, you’ll achieve significant financial success. Work will progress smoothly, making it the best time to showcase your talents and gain recognition from superiors. 2.Horse: Well-organized approach to tasks, whether in […]


Wednesday, September  13 2023 

The 29th day of the seventh month in calendar fall in Year of the Gui Mao (Water Rabbit), during the Month of the Xin You (Metal Rooster), and on the Day of the Jia Xu(Wood Dog) Lucky direction for the Deity of Blessing: North Lucky direction for the Deity of Happiness: Northeast Lucky direction for […]


Tuesday, September  12 2023 

Ranking of the 12 Energetic Zodiac Signs 1. Dragon: It’s a great day for wealth and love. Prosperity in career, especially for salespeople. Strong romantic prospects for singles, and couples will enjoy quality time together. 2. Ox: Your financial luck is excellent. Good day for shopping, and your energy is high. Collaboration with influential people will […]


Tuesday, September  12 2023 

The 28th day of the seventh month in calendar fall in Year of the Gui Mao (Water Rabbit), during the Month of the Geng Shen (Metal Monkey), and on the Day of the Gui You(Water Rooster) Lucky direction for the Deity of Blessing: Northeast Lucky direction for the Deity of Happiness: Southeast Lucky direction for […]


2023年9月9日 星期六12生肖元气满满的排行榜

1. 狗:好运连连,工作顺心,心情美好,信心十足。今天 是个值得庆祝的日子!2. 羊:运气颇佳,人际关系提升,拓展人脉。你可能成为朋友们不可或缺的人物,享受这一刻吧!3. 虎:好运助力工作计划,成功机率高,可能有好消息。今天是你大展宏图的好日子!4. 龙:思维活跃,高效管理,心情美好,逛街放松。抓住这美好的时刻,好好犒劳一下自己吧!5. 猴:有详细计划,向目标前进,学习收获颇多。充分利用闲暇时间,未来将因此受益匪浅!6. 猪:事业进展顺利,家庭幸福。你正走向阳光明媚的日子,享受家庭的温馨吧!7. 蛇:财运旺盛,感情需谦和沟通。小心财富的管理,但愿好运不断!8. 马:财运不佳,需谨慎处理金钱事务。保持乐观精神,克服工作中的难关。9. 兔:工作压力大,爱情运好,单身者有机会,有伴侣者享受浪漫。别忘了在压力下寻找乐趣和爱情的甜蜜。10. 鸡:灵活处理事务,小心财务问题,感情运好。不要太固执,与心动对象建立联系吧!11. 牛:工作事务增多,感情需忍让和尊重。坚持下去,一切会逐渐好起来的。12. 鼠:情绪低落,寻找宁静的地方冷静应对。在宁静的环境中找到内心的平静,一切会慢慢好起来。解锁命运的秘密,加我微信:serenewongms 联系,踏上幸福和成功的航程,乘风破浪,美梦成真。摄影师:Clarisse Meyer自创文章:王铭汐老师#trendyfengshi  #serenewongms #王铭汐老师 #Mingxilaoshi


2023年9月9日 星期六 农历廿五 癸卯年庚申月庚午日

福神方位:西南喜神方位:西北财神方位:东马日冲生肖鼠不利的方位:北幸运数字:6,9吉时:丙子 23:00-00:59丁丑01:00-02:59己卯 05:00-06:59壬午 11:00-12:59甲申 15:00-16:59乙酉 17:00-18:59今日可穿橙色、黄色、紫色系服饰来增强运势!自创文章:王铭汐老师摄影师:Tudor Baciu#trendyfengshi  #serenewongms #王铭汐老师 #Mingxilaoshi


Saturday, September 09 2023 Ranking of the 12 Energetic Zodiac Signs

1. Dog:Fortune is on your side today, bringing continuous good luck. Both your work and personal life will go smoothly, and your plans are likely to wrap up perfectly. You’re in high spirits, filled with confidence, and good luck will continue to favor you.2. Goat:Luck is in your favor, and your spirits are soaring. Whether […]


Saturday, September 09 2023

The 25th day of the seventh month in calendar fall in Year of the Gui Mao (Water Rabbit), during the Month of the Geng Shen (Metal Monkey), and on the Day of the Geng Wu(Metal Horse)Lucky direction for the Deity of Blessing: SouthwestLucky direction for the Deity of Happiness: NorthwestLucky direction for the Deity of […]


Friday, September 08 2023 Ranking of the 12 Energetic Zodiac Signs

1. Ox: A fortunate day for enjoying support from influential individuals, making it an ideal time to showcase the skills at work. Additionally, you might consider using your culinary talents to prepare a special dinner for your family, creating a memorable evening.2. Monkey:Blessed with good luck to excel in the professional endeavors. Your charm and sociable […]
