Archive by Author

Friday, September 01 2023

The 17th day of the seventh month in calendar fall in Year of the Gui Mao (Water Rabbit), during the Month of the Geng Shen (Metal Monkey), and on the Day of the Ren Xu(Water Dog)Lucky direction for the Deity of Blessing: SoutheastLucky direction for the Deity of Happiness: SouthLucky direction for the Deity of […]


2023年8月31日 星期四 12生肖元气满满的排行榜

1. 龙:好运降临,成功和支持相伴,爱情更是受宠。风生水起的一天。2. 牛:带来事业的辉煌,自信心十足,与家人共享美好时光,幸福感油然而生。3. 蛇:今年轻松赚钱,销售领域大放异彩,和谐与受欢迎伴随左右。4. 猪:你的沟通能力得到提升,善于社交,欢愉和微笑伴随左右。5. 羊:事业迎来突破,既往拖延的任务也能成功完成,与人相处融洽,充满温情。6. 猴:充满活力和积极,你将引起周围人的注意,团队协作带来好人缘,对待爱情需谨慎。7. 马:小额收益可期,爱情方面状况良好,善于沟通。8. 虎:运势稍有下滑,但保持乐观态度,集中注意力前进。9. 鼠:独特的想法将带来机遇,抓住时机追求浪漫,单身者的机会不容错过。10. 鸡:情绪低落,深思熟虑后行动,大自然是释放不满情绪的好去处。11. 狗:叛逆心态较重,情绪控制至关重要,耐心化解冲突,避免涉及财务。12. 兔:运势不佳,圆滑处事,通过家庭旅行来减轻压力。解锁命运的秘密,加我微信:serenewongms 联系,踏上幸福和成功的航程,乘风破浪,美梦成真。自创文章:王铭汐老师#trendyfengshi #serenewongms #王铭汐老师 #Mingxilaoshi摄影师:Kelli McClintock


Thursday, August 31 2023 Ranking of the 12 Energetic Zodiac Signs

1. Dragon:Great luck, everything goes smoothly, you’ll excel in whatever you do. With strong support from influential people, your success will soar. Love luck is high, singles have a good chance for romance; couples share perfect understanding, leading to a joyful life.2. Ox:Good work opportunities arise, volunteer and with the help of influential people, you’ll […]


2023年8月31日(星期四): 农历十六 癸卯年庚申月辛酉日

2023年8月31日 星期四农历十六癸卯年庚申月辛酉日福神方位:西北喜神方位:西南财神方位:东猴日冲生肖兔不利的方位:东幸运数字:0、8吉时:戊子(23:00-00:59)庚寅(03:00-04:59)辛卯(05:00-06:59)甲午(11:00-12:59)乙未(13:00-14:59)丁酉(17:00-18:59)今日可穿白色、褐色、黃色系服饰来增强运势!(因为鬼节、所以若要穿白色,仅在白天)自创文章:王铭汐老师#trendyfengshi #serenewongms #王铭汐老师 #Mingxilaoshi摄影师:Alexander Mils


Thursday, August 31 2023

The 16th day of the seventh month in calendar fall in Year of the Gui Mao (Water Rabbit), during the Month of the Geng Shen (Metal Monkey), and on the Day of the Xin You(Metal Rooster)Lucky direction for the Deity of Blessing: NorthwestLucky direction for the Deity of Happiness: SouthwestLucky direction for the Deity of […]


How Lah? Unveiling The Secrets Of The Universe. 4 Strategies to a Successful life

“By knowing who you are, understanding what you have, giving others what you own and doing whatever it takes from the secrets of universe, you will live in days of abundance.”-Min Sing, Serene Wong Decode your life through your birthday and time The 5 elements in your life. How the 5 elements affect your life […]
