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Sunday, April 7, 2024

Lucky Numbers: 1, 5 Wealth direction: East Tip: Wearing white, brown, gold attire today can enhance your luck! Ranking of the 12 Energetic Zodiac Signs: 1 Rooster:  Good luck is on the way. Share your happiness with family. 2 Rat:  Keep smiling, things are going well. Good news from friends. 3 Monkey:  You’re feeling confident and lucky. Goals are […]


Saturday, April 6, 2024

Lucky Numbers:0, 4 Wealth direction: East Tip: Wearing silver, yellow, beige attire today can enhance your luck! Ranking of the 12 Energetic Zodiac Signs: 1.Dragon:  Good luck and creativity bring appreciation and new connections. 2.Ox:  Energetic work performance and financial gains expected. 3.Monkey:  Agile thinking and supportive relationships lead to progress. 4.Rat:  Composed and successful day, suitable for […]


2024年4月6日 星期六

幸运数字: 0, 4 财神方位:东 今日可穿银色、黄色、米色服饰来增强运势! 12生肖元气满满排行榜: 1.龙: 好运和创造力让你得到赞赏并结交新朋友。 2.牛: 充满活力的工作表现会带来财务收益。 3.猴: 灵活的思维和亲密的关系将促进进步。 4.鼠: 沉着冷静的态度会带来成功,适合社交。 5.虎: 财运亨通,工作愉快且有利可图。 6.狗: 积极乐观的心态和愉快的交流。 7.蛇: 工作稳步前进,建议休闲时增加幸运。 8.猪: 虽有大胆想法但需理性,小心处理人际关系。 9.鸡: 沟通困难但爱情生活蓬勃发展。 10.兔: 理财需谨慎,但爱情前景乐观。 11.羊: 压力大,合作需推迟,爱情需谨慎。 12.马: 情绪管理至关重要,乐观面对挑战。 摄影艺术家:Marco Castro 自创文章:王铭汐老师 解锁命运的秘密,加我微信:Serenewongms 联系,踏上幸福和成功的航程,乘风破浪,美梦成真。 #trendyfengshui  #serenewongms  #王铭汐老师 #Mingxilaoshi


Friday, April 5, 2024

Lucky Numbers: 0, 9 Wealth direction: North Tip: Wearing white, brown, gold attire today can enhance your luck! Ranking of the 12 Energetic Zodiac Signs: 1.Tiger:  Confident and productive day, with potential for significant financial gains and admiration from others. 2.Rabbit:  Energetic and supported at work, with chances for unexpected financial gains and enjoyable social gatherings. 3.Goat:  Respected and […]


Avoid discarding the God of Wealth while taking out the trash during this hour.

During Horse hour (11:00 AM to 1:00 PM) and the Rooster hour (5:00 PM to 7:00 PM) each day, it’s believed that the God of Wealth patrols. These times are considered auspicious and not suitable for activities like taking out the trash, as it’s thought to remove positive energy inadvertently clear away the household’s good […]


2024年4月4日 星期四

幸运数字: 2, 8 财神方位:北 今日可穿红色、咖啡色、棕.色服饰来增强运势! 12生肖元气满满排行榜: 1兔: 享受一个充满成就感的一天,解决问题高效,结交新朋友。 2虎: 工作和财务上都蓬勃发展,是家庭团聚的完美时机。 3马: 发挥创造力和活力,取得进步并取得社交成功。 4蛇: 拥抱积极的情绪,获得卓越的工作成果和财务收益,并得到支持。 5.猴: 坚定克服障碍,关心家人,保持和谐。 6狗: 保持乐观,享受休闲活动,取得丰硕的成果。 7鼠: 抓住财务机会,保持在职场上的警惕。 8猪:明智地管理财务,培养关系,取得浪漫成功。 9羊: 平静地应对挑战,优先处理关系,并适应变化。 10牛: 在挑战中保持坚韧,寻求集体活动中的安慰。 11鸡: 在忙碌的一天中谨慎处理财务问题和合作事项。 12.龙: 保持积极心态,与他人互动,谨慎行事以获得更好的结果。 摄影艺术家:Eveling Salazar 自创文章:王铭汐老师 解锁命运的秘密,加我微信:Serenewongms 联系,踏上幸福和成功的航程,乘风破浪,美梦成真。 #trendyfengshui  #serenewongms  #王铭汐老师 #Mingxilaoshi


Thursday, April 4, 2024

Lucky Numbers: 2, 8 Wealth direction: North Tip: Wearing red,  coffee, brown attire today can enhance your luck! Ranking of the 12 Energetic Zodiac Signs: 1.Rabbit:  Enjoy a productive day with resolved issues, efficient tasks, and new friendships. 2.Tiger:  Experience a prosperous day at work and financially, perfect for family bonding. 3.Horse:  Utilise your creativity and energy for progress and […]


2024年4月3日 星期三

幸运数字: 4, 5 财神方位:西 今日可穿银色、黄色、金色服饰来增强运势! 12生肖元气满满排行榜: 1. 龙: 好运亨通,桃花盛开,单身者有望遇见心仪的对象;有伴侣者能让爱人感受到关怀,感动不已。 2. 牛: 事事顺利,发挥才能,与朋友相处融洽,交到更多良朋益友。 3. 猪: 财运亨通,直觉敏锐,获利丰厚,可孝敬长辈。 4. 蛇: 冷静工作,人气上升,深受信任和依赖,获得满足感。 5. 猴: 头脑清晰,工作出色,感情稍有波动,建议保持冷静。 6. 马: 充满活力,工作顺利,单身者有望结束单身;有伴侣者应保持适当距离。 7. 羊: 谨慎小心,及时完成任务,保持内心平静。 8. 虎: 情绪低落,需要耐心应对麻烦事,多谨慎沟通。 9. 鼠: 不宜投资理财,但桃花旺盛,单身者有望遇见心动对象。 10.鸡: 保持良好心态,维护人际关系,避免与陌生人争执。 11. 狗: 突发状况不断,需分清轻重缓急,避免得罪人。 12.兔: 情绪低落,但积极面对,心情会变得活跃,摆脱阴霾。 摄影艺术家:Rick Rothenberg 自创文章:王铭汐老师 解锁命运的秘密,加我微信:Serenewongms 联系,踏上幸福和成功的航程,乘风破浪,美梦成真。 #trendyfengshui  #serenewongms  #王铭汐老师 #Mingxilaoshi


Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Lucky Numbers: 4, 5 Wealth direction: West Tip: Wearing silver, yellow, gold attire today can enhance your luck! Ranking of the 12 Energetic Zodiac Signs: 1.Dragon:  Luck and romance abound for singles and couples, fostering deep connections. 2.Ox:  Smooth sailing in friendships and endeavors, expanding social circles. 3.Boar:  Prosperity and intuition lead to lucrative opportunities and respect for elders. 4.Snake: […]
